Welcome to The Design Thinker Podcast, where we explore the theory and practice of design thinking. Join co-hosts Dr Dani Chesson and Designer Peter Allan as they delve into the principles, strategies, and real-world application of design thinking.
Each episode takes a deep dive into a topic within design thinking, discussing the foundational theory and bringing theory to life by showcasing the application of theory into practice to solve real-world challenges.
🔍 Theoretical Insights: Build your understanding of design thinking's theoretical underpinnings, exploring its origins, key principles, and evolution over time.
🛠️ Practical Applications: Witness the theory in action as we share practical examples and case studies that demonstrate the impact of design thinking on real-world problems.
🎙️ Industry Expertise: Engage with thought leaders, industry experts, and practitioners who share their experiences, insights, and innovative applications of design thinking.
Whether you're a seasoned designer, a business professional, or simply curious about design thinking, The Design Thinker Podcast is your passport to exploring the theory and practice of design thinking.
Ep#43: Collaboration Fatigue - How to Fix the Most Overrated Buzzword in Business

Ep#42: The Manager's Guide to Coaching, Driving Performance One Conversation at a Time

Ep#41: What Can Skydiving Teach Us About Leadership?

Ep#40: How Lessons from Design School Helped Me Drive Results in the Corporate World

Ep#39: Power of the Pause: Why Taking a Break Matters

Ep#38: What to do about perfectionism

Ep#37: Why your customer experience will fail if you ignore EX

Ep#36: What it Takes to Win in Customer Experience

Ep#35: The Anatomy of an Experience

Ep# 34: Emotions: What are they good for anyway?

Ep#33: Are You Ready for the BANI World?

Ep#32: Informed Consent: The Ethical Backbone of Design Research

Ep#31: Reducing the Risk of Innovation with Discovery

Ep#30: A Human Centered View of Privacy Law

Ep#29: Design Thinking is Dead...Or Is It?

Ep#28: Navigating Organizational Tensions with Design Thinker Capabilities

EP#27: Context: The meaning at the center of everything

EP#26: The Past, Present, and Future of Design Thinking

EP#25: Design Thinking: What is it? How can it help?

Ep#24: Accepting the Inescapable Reality of Failure with Podcast Guest Chris Taylor

EP#23: Oral, Visual, Written, Does How You Tell a Story Matter?

Ep#22: The Tale of Grandma Sue and Other Stories We Share with Each Other

Ep#21: Shhh, Gertrude I'm Speaking - Reframing the Stories We Tell Oursevles

Ep#20: The Desirability Lens - Will anyone actually buy it?

Ep#19: The Viability Lens - Is it more than just cabbage soup?